Auditioning with Us

The Half Moon Orchestra is recruiting advanced level string players of at least 18 years of age.

Auditions may be conducted in person or via prerecorded audio submission. All audio recordings must be unedited and free of any artificial reverb or autotune.

The process consists of three scales, an excerpt from our preselected pieces, and a short optional supplemental piece of your choice, allowing you to showcase your unique musical strengths. We would also love to hear a brief summary of your musical background.

All interested musicians are encouraged to reach out to us through our ‘Contact Us‘ page. We look forward to hearing your submissions and performances.


All musicians are asked to play the following scales:

Ab major

E major

A harmonic minor

Preselected Materials

Musical Background

How long have you played your instrument?

What extent of musical education do you have?

What groups have you previously played in?

Feel free to include any other relevant details about your musical background.